2002年作为单兵开发的, 短程, 反坦克武器系统, 我们将继续与士兵合作,提供取得胜利所需的武器. 凭借近二十年的经验, 坦克在战场上的复兴证实了我们在这一领域的专长. 又是同样的故事——大卫仍然打败了歌利亚.
Tanks are playing an increasingly decisive role in complex battle environments. Tanks have traditionally allowed their operators to hunt opponents in relative safety. NLAW turns the tables by removing this safety level, earning its name as the ultimate tank killer.
The NLAW gives the enemy something to think about – they can no longer employ traditional tactics when faced with NLAW weapons. Their change in behaviour will force them onto the backfoot and put the odds in your favour. 它是所有环境和地形下的下马部队的最佳武器, 在你需要的时候提供能量.
The unjammable and man-portable system can be deployed in around five seconds by a single soldier, 白天或晚上. 战斗射程20-800米,使用单一装药, NLAW is the best anti-tank weapon for infantries and dismounted troops in complex terrain.
非常灵活的, NLAW几乎可以从任何位置攻击, 从建筑物的高处到树后或沟里. 你可以向下45度射击,也可以从建筑内部射击, from a basement or from the second floor of a building out of the range of most tanks.
One of the major challenges facing anti-tank weaponry is hitting the target when obstructed by countermeasures and obstacles, 比如其他车辆, 热源和电线. 不需要锁定签名. The operator simply tracks the target for a few seconds before firing and NLAW does the rest.
With selectable Overfly Top Attack (OTA) against armoured targets and Direct Attack (DA) for non-armoured opponents and troops inside buildings, NLAW在密闭空间内的射击效果极佳.
NLAW的OTA功能仅在20米的距离内有效, 使其成为近距作战的理想武器, 即使坦克在掩体后面. Its armour-piercing warhead can destroy heavily protected MBTs in a single shot. The system is also extremely effective when the operator can only see a tiny portion of the target. 操作者可以简单地瞄准可见部分并开火. The missile will travel one metre above the line of sight before it takes the tank out from above.
In DA mode, NLAW can be used against soft targets like trucks, buses, cars and helicopters. When fired directly through a window into a building, fragments will cause significant damage.
公共科学图书馆指导和OTA的理想组合提供易于处理, 精度高,杀伤概率高, 每一次.
我们的NLAW系统是一个易于使用的系统. Watch this video to see how it uses PLOS (predicted line of sight) and OTA (Overfly-top-attack) to enable its powerful shape charge warhead hit the tank at it´s weakest point - the turret. 最大限度地破坏坦克.